Friday, August 14, 2009


What is the saying "When it rains, it pours". Well that is how it has been for my in-laws. About a month ago my mother-in-law, Jodi, lost her job at Walmart Vision Center. She loved what she did but in a way it was good because she was getting very stressed. She has been searching for a job and has found nothing.

Jodi, Hayden and Hannah in California: July 2008

A few months ago my father in law, Dwaine, started having stomach problems. They ran tests and he received a call on Wednesday telling him that he has stomach cancer. He will go in next week to find out all the options that he can do.

Dwaine and Hayden: May 2009

I have been praying that god will answer our prayers and help Jodi in her job search and Dwaine find the treatment that will get rid or shrink the cancer. Please say a little prayer for both of them.

1 comment:

The Fuhrmann's said...

I am so sorry to hear all that. I was wondering why I haven't seen Jodi at Wal-Mart and thought that she found a new job. I am really sad to hear about Dwaine and will keep him in my prayers.